30 Apr, 2024

How To Spot A Fake Degree Guide

Using blockchain expertise, BCdiploma offers a 100 percent online, tamper-proof diploma and micro credentials dematerialization service. The benefit of this platform lies in its reliability, as it’s regulated and managed by the state. However, few levels are listed, and principally high school stage ones, which is a serious drawback for firms in search of highly […]

4 mins read

Association Action Education ex Aide et Action : droit à l’éducation

By the early 13th century, the Île de la Cité Notre-Dame cathedral faculty had many well-known teachers, and the controversial teachings of a few of these led to the creation of a separate Left-Bank Sainte-Genevieve University that might become the centre of Paris’s scholastic Latin Quarter greatest represented by the Sorbonne college. The cathedral of […]

1 min read

Counselor Education College of Education and Human Ecology

We encourage students to enroll full-time to maximize their ability to immerse themselves in the academic and experiential learning experiences available while training. This degree is an academic program for graduates who seek to enter the ministry with skills in both theology and in counseling. Full-time on-campus students accepted into the dual degree program can complete the […]

8 mins read